Tuesday 5 July 2016

DWash Moisturizing Facial Wash (for Dry Skin) - Product Review

Ethicare Remedies recently launched DWASH Moisturizing facial wash and sent me the same for review since the product is designed mainly for dry skin like mine.
The DWash facial wash is in a simple white tube packaging. The tube has an outer carton in nice bluish color.
The flip open cap on the tube neck makes it easy to use. The tube content is 70 ml so its not that heavy or uncomfortable to carry around in my handbag. 
 Product Claims: (Refer Image)
 Ingredients: (Refer Image)
Price: 499/-
Shelf Life: 3 yrs.
To start with, I liked the texture of facial wash which is really creamy unlike a runny liquid. Its thick consistency lets you take just the pea sized quantity for every single use, and the product lasts quite long for the reason. Upon massaging on wet facial skin, it actually doesn't create foamy lather, but turns into gentle melted cream. I had doubts whether the deep cleansing would be achieved due to its soft traits, but I found no dust particles or other impurities left on my face after rinsing it off.
The facial wash has very refreshing floral smell but that doesn't last long which is absolutely fine with me.
The silky smooth feel on the skin is doubled up with moisturization due to olive oil, Shea butter and kokum butter used in the formula. The mild formula of DWash is safe to use on sensitive skin as well. Since the product adds an extra boosts of hydration to balance the dryness of skin, it results in preventing the skin from feeling tight or stretchy.
I usually apply a mild facial moisturizer after using most face washes/cleansers, but I didn't need that with this product. Still if someone with flaky dry skin finds it unable to combat the skin issues, little quantity of Hydromax Lotion can splurge your skin with good hydration.
The only put-off is the high price of the product, but again for a premium quality product, one may not find it unjustified to invest few extra bucks to take better care of our skin.

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