Tuesday 25 April 2017

How our kids are becoming the wind beneath our wings

For many of us, our dreams and aspirations tend to get buried because of our personal or professional responsibilities. I can attest to this as I have my own that were packed away and stored on a cupboard shelf for many years. My camera has been collecting dust for quite some time now as I put it away when motherhood became my priority. Other reasons like finances and time also played a vital role in its going into storage.

But sometimes Karma has a wonderful way of showing usthat we’ve not been forgotten and that we’ve done some good that will be repaid. It was my son who observed my secret obsession for photography and always admired my random clicks. He consistently complimented me on my pictures and unknowingly renewed my faith in my old hobby. My kids motivated me to brush up on my skills and also got me enrolled in an advanced photography course. I was amazed how much blind faith these kids had in me. Today, I can proudly say that my children helped me get back to my forgotten dream of photography.

After my kids did so much to ensure I was back on track with my DSLR, I started to notice similar encouraging cases with friends and family around me. While visiting a close friend recently I was surprised to find her house crammed with our neighborhood children, all engrossed in reading books. Naturally it piqued my curiosity and I was informed that it was my friend’s mother-in-law who had orchestrated the ‘event’. She explained that her mother-in-law always wanted to do something creative with children, but her financial situation didn’t permit and thus she opted for a more “traditional” desk-job that forced her to shelve her dream. I empathized with her.

Her children noticed how she loved to organise things for the kids in the building and made sure that it was always educational, as it was fun. She never did speak of her dream to work with kids, but noticing her actions and passion, her children continuously encouraged her to do more. With all the time on her hands post retirement, she started a small library in their home to which even her grandchildren contributed. She was apprehensive at first, feeling that supervising children might be a rather strenuous task, but her family didn’t let her quit. From making the right modifications to her diet to getting her to start brisk walks daily, they were by her side all the way. Soon she became a woman to reckon with inspiring a whole new generation of readers with a motto to #livenonstop.

Another instance of children supporting a rather unique dream of a parent was that of my uncle’s. On his 50th birthday, his children and wife gifted him a monogrammed music composition book as he announced he was taking up music as a hobby. He was quite surprised and overwhelmed with the wonderfully personalized and thoughtful gift. His perseverance toward his dream and his family’s support made it evident that keeping dreams alive is the key to ensure anyone can #livenonstop.

It may sound unlikely, but in these changing times, children are coming forward as staunch proponents of their parents’ ambitions. The world is definitely seeing a positive adaptation where children are introducing and exposing parents to various avenues of opportunity and success that they may have only dreamt of in their younger years.

As a parting thought, if your children care for your dreams, be thankful and proud that you raised such supportive individuals. And remember to #livenonstop without giving up till your dreams become a reality.

For more inspirational stories of people living nonstop, check out this interesting link. It will ensure that you’re inspired and motivated to fulfil those dreams you’ve neglected and #livenonstop.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Abbott Healthcare Pvt Ltd; however, the views shared in this article are my own.


  1. I love this! It's never too late to pursue your dreams. You're lucky to have kids who are so supportive of you and cheer you on. Thabks for the read!

  2. Loved this! Yes you are right shilpa, one should try to live their dreams. But somewhere in our busy live we are not able to give priority to our dreams.you are one of the luckiest person whose dream cum talent got recognize by someone. Feeling happy for you.
    Thanks for the read!

  3. I really enjoyed this post! It made me focus on how grateful I am for my young children who have supported and cheered me on as I started a new blog recently. I'm happy they have jumped on board and embraced the small changes to our routine. My son has taught me some tech skills too. Thanks for the read!

  4. Nice written. We all need this kind of inspiration to live life to the fullest and pursue our dreams.

  5. I think kids (me being a Millennial child to my parents) are more supportive of their own ambitions and want to support their parents dreams and aspirations as well.

  6. As a Millennial child to my parents, I try and support all of their aspirations and dreams since they've always been so supportive of mine.

  7. A great post, my child is only a baby so cannot openly encourage me just yet.... however this post made me think out my parents and parents in law, and what they would have put on the back burner to raise their children. I'm glad you received encouragement and support for your children.

  8. This is so inspiring! It just proves we need to follow our passion no matter what stage we are in our lives. I have always encouraged my mom to travel more when she was still with us, as she loved that and she had inspired us to broaden our views in life through travel too.

    Mae | http://www.thegospelofbeauty.org

  9. So wonderful to think that children would pour into the aspirations of their parent. Quite contrary to the society norm that the current generation of kids are only thinking of themselves.

  10. Congrats!! I'm so happy for you!! It's so important to take care of yourself!!

  11. I would support any ambition my parents might seek to pursue. I think no parent should completely give up on their dream. Anyways congrats to you

  12. I love that kids can support their parents. No one is too old for their dreams. Congratulations to you


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