Sunday 24 May 2015

Winners for #PlumAndMum Mother's Day Giveaway


Thanks to everyone who shared pictures of their special moments in our mother's day giveaway sponsored by team Plum . We loved each and every emotion captured in the pics. The cute babies stole the limelight actually with their innocent expressions.

Now, before we announce the lucky winners, we wish to remind every contestant to read and follow the rules with great care, coz a near-to-win entry sometimes miss topping the chart because of being incomplete. We would have loved to select every participant as winner, but we have to go with the terms ;)

Excited to know who won this Mother's Day Giveaway?? So lets congratulate the lovely ladies---

The prize for "Cutest Pic" goes to Ms. Nehal Roy for the li'l dimpled cheek princess ;)

The prize for "Best Answer" is bagged by Ms. Snehlata Jain for not only expressing herself nicely, but also keeping the word limit in consideration.

The prize for "Maximum Interaction" goes to Ms. Kavita Nayak (who happened to win second time on this blog) for giving voice to her honest feelings about posts in best possible manner. (Though there was another contestant who had been frequently interacting, but sadly she didn't follow the contest rules properly and could not be selected.)

I request the winners to DM their complete postal details with contact no. within 24 hours, so that we may forward it to the brand for quick dispatch of their prize.

We expect the winners to acknowledge receiving their prize n post a picture on our page after they receive the same.

Those who didn't win, keep their faith alive. Because there is no end of hope at Alive n Kicking..


  1. (Though there was another contestant who had been frequently interacting, but sadly she didn't follow the contest rules properly and could not be selected.) I think its me :( anyways no issues even if i did not win

    I have found a nice blog to refer to for my skin related dilemmas and for general reading also, I discovered this blog because of your fuchsia giveaway.

  2. Hi Ruchika

    Don't feel sad for not winning. Bcz there is always an effort from my side to arrange for new contests for my readers. But yes, the rules need to be followed dear.. Thanks for your faith and motivational spirit. Keep reading and you may get lucky next time :) Cheer Up!!


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